Monday, July 25, 2011

My longest relationship was a year and a half. Like the saying says...all good things must come to an end. Well it did. A very rough and painful end. We don't speak any more and it saddens me. What happened that turned things so sour? What could I have done to preserve the relationship? bout NOT be me...ugh
My brother and his girlfriend have been together for two and a half years. They will both be seniors graduating from high school this upcoming term. Last night my brother and his girlfriend went to a movie and invited me to come along with them. movie! Heck yes. I gratefully agreed! As we filed into the dark theater and took our seats, I realized another one of my friends was sitting to the left of us with her "significant other." I was now smack dab in the middle of the two couples. Ugh...
It then occurred to me...that I really suck when it comes to guys and relationships. I went hiking with a very nice guy last Tuesday. Mysterious, older, responsible, and drop dead dreamy, I found myself trying very hard to see why he would even want to waste the hour hiking with me- regardless that we are just friends. It still boggles me. I spent the hole evening hike trying hard not to:
1. Fall
2. Say something stupid...but keep the conversation going which circled mainly around phobia of snakes...and his pets..(ugh I suck)
and 3. fall of a cliff.
I accomplished two of the three goals. However, I was so shy (which is soooo unlike me accept when it comes to guys!) and stuck in my head that by the time we reached the end of our hike at the bottom of the parking lot...I pretty much fled the scene.
"Welll this is where I'm parked so by!!!"
Wow Winter..Way to be..way. to. be.
Ugh whatever. It is said and done. I am still left with the awful taste in my mouth that I am perpetually broken when it comes to interacting with a normal socially acceptable way. Its like I see a dude and I just clam up. Is there any hope for this guy handicapped woman? I seriously doubt it. It will just be me and my 53030q39040983943048 cats. (yes there is a q in there...:/ don't know what numeral that replaces..but its going to be a lot of fricken cats)