Thursday, July 7, 2011


I am NOT good with choices.
Especially when it comes to the choice of where the heck should I work!
The care-taking co-dependend side of me says I should just stay with Target- because I do not want them to be mad that I am ditching them. Plus, it is safe. And I am boring.
The other side of me wants more hours and more money. Thus, I need something different.
But the perfectionist side is scared that I am going to make the wrong choice- screw it up somehow. Since I usually have a good knack for that.
Just when I think I have it all figured out, I find out...oh...I don't.
Shiiiiizzzzzz. What to do what to do....:/
I want a burning bush. I want the voice of God to just YELL out which job I'm supposed to take.
To quote Brittany Spears...."GIVE ME A SIGGGGGN! HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!"
Ohhh gosh..did I just quote Brittany...yes..yes I did. :/