Thursday, July 28, 2011


OK...Need to vent...about this...FRIGGIN DAY :/ ya...that good~
E.D. is really in my face today...I have tried utilizing all my wonderful "coping mechanisms" I found during rehab....But I need to do something with this cause I'm sitting here thinkin' I should just not eat tonight..or tomorrow...or ever again really. And that's when I know its time to whip out the big readers who will pray for me~
K. So~ First off, I woke up this morning feeling like I got hit by a truck. Oh, wait...I did...yesterday. In the mall parking lot by a lady who I guess does not believe in looking both ways. Ya....ouch.
Despite a few weird lumps, bumps, cuts, bruises, blood and swelling...I think Im ok...
However, I took it easy...ish today and that immediately made me feel lazy...So ED was like heeeey you are just sitting around...reading and not moving around why do you NEED to eat snacks...pssshhh snacks are for athletes...not a sloth like youuuuuuu. Ugh.....

Then, my lovely brothers, brother's girlfriend and I all went to hang out at the mall today. Yes, the same mall I got hit by the truck on my bike at yesterday. Well, while walking to the mall, I slipped on the turf cause i was wearing stupid but oh so pretty flip flops that have zero traction capabilities apparently. Fell. RIGHT into a thorn bush...stopped myself with the same hang I slammed if it wasn't broken sure as hell is now. :/ Annnnnd I'm still picking thorns out of my arm which now resembles raw hamburger meat....I could give Ben Herr a run for his money after his wicked chariot crash...

My parents had "counseling" today...which means they are just deciding when they will sign the papers that will be living proof that our family is now officially broken. It's all said and done but the signatures...My hopes of a somewhat normal family of five will forever be a fairytale I only read about it books that are...FAKE.

I went for a bike ride tonight on my brother's bike cause my tire is F-ed up thanks to yesterday's mishap. My brother's bike seat is....impressively painful. Im pretty sure I fried my ovaries from the countless years of starving myself, but if I didn't and there was any hopes I may still have been fertile....well that bike seat took care of it.... YOUCH

I don't know what hurt more though...the bike seat...or the fact that on my journey I caught my dad running. Yep, running. Now...he is entitled to do whatever the hell he wants to do. His life. However, we have had countless discussions about how he just walks and thinks walking is better than running cause its easier on the knees and how its ok that I dont run anymore...cause neither does he and he is healthy as a horse. Well I kinda wanted to beat a horse...right in the friggin schnoz when I saw him just a-joggin down the bike path towards me. No, dad. You are not a hypocrite. I am not saying that...but obviously...I am not stupid...or blind cause I saw you tonight...and that was not a walk...or a fast brisk trot. That would be what we call running....please don't be dishonest and tell me that all you do is walk. Cause that is a load of crap.
And that is what I feel like right now. A big LOAD OF CRAP. My body is crap. Im just flabbbbbbby crap.
Im friggin sick of eating 6 friggin times a day. I hate food. I hate that I can't do ANYTHING without feeling that I am on Big Brother, my every move being watched. I hate that I can't run. I hate my meal plan.
 I hate FRIGGGGGIN ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yes...I pause and wonder..hmm so I wonder why I am having all these ED thoughts right now...
I H.A.L.T, an acronym I learned in treatment...
Am I angry...YES IM ANGRY!
Am I lonely....
what! Me? Lonely...Miss oh its a homeless person..Be my friend?? Oh too much..yeppers I'm lonely...
And lastly am I tired...
beyond tired.

so I score four out of five..great...on top of this LOVELY day...:/
And I have to friggin work tomorrow....LORD HELP ME NOT TO PUNCH MY L.O.D IN THE FACE
Ok..I'm done...really I'm done venting...
This blog should come with a warning sign...especially for the part about my heiny being in all those who were scarred....
Im going to go watch some Snookie off of Jersey Shore..cause ima load a crap that watched crap like that to make my brain shut up. :/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fam- freakin- family

Family...People that are related to you..which can either be a good...or a bad thing.
For almost a year now, our family of five was shaken up, thrown around, and puked up onto the side walk.
My two brothers and I now live with my dad, while my mother lives off on her own. The four of us trying to co-habitate together has been quite the challenge. Let me give ya a little run-down.
There is my dad- He is ALWAYS right. ALWAYS. He is the way the truth and the life..and no one goes anywhere or gets anything accept through him :/ Don't challenge him. He will go ape crap on you. PERFECTIONIST WORKAHOLIC...(and did I mention...HES ALWAYS FRIGGIN RIGHT??!!!!)  I get those "charming" character defects from him...Love him to death...but he puts Stalin to shame at times.

There is (what shall  we call him for confidential purposes.... umm...J-Wow). The second oldest and oldest son. J-WOW is
1. Lazy
2. Quiet
3. Apathetic
J-WOW does not care about anything but 1. his girlfriend and 2. playing his video games 25 hours a day...(yes he loves it so much he somehow goes against time itself..and somewhere created another hour in the day...something I have been trying to do for YEARS)
He has sooo much potential...and NEVER applies it.

Then there is (we shall call him Nunya...) Nunya is the youngest. His life is nunya damn business. He does whatever he pleases...which includes using ALL my matter what it is. It is his. He doesn't care if it has the words DO NOT USE written all over it...Its gonnnnneeeee. Swissssh
Nunya liveeeees for his friends. He has created himself into whatever person they will accept...another lovely trait we have in common :/ However, unfortunately, he has chosen quite an interesting crowd to join. And by interesting I don't mean they are nice little pleasant folk who sit around and stencil bible verses on their bedroom walls. No...they write skanky, slutty things on their skanky,slutty selves and live their lives worried about nothing more than who is dating who and who has the best breathe. Bite me.

And then there is me. I am COT:
1. Controlling
2. Over protective
3. Think Im the mom now that we lack one you have three seconds to go do your chores or I!!!!!
And oh ya..Im super irritating and probably really annoying to live with...Ya know I just kinda waft around..clean stuff..and then when you mess it up I get pissed and probably yell at you. I mostly just like to tell you what to do, when to do it...and NOW. Ugh...
So now that I have bored you to death with my rambling your are probably like ok what the heck is the crazy girl's point...I am sorry to tell you there is no point. I am just complaining and blkajskjfdgjksd- ing about how difficult it is to try and make this weird shambled family of four who are more different than The Beatles or characters off of Star Wars life peacefully under one friggin roof... Like you have me..Jabba the Hut...then Nunya..the wooki...J-WOW is C3P0 or whoever that gold robot it...and then my dad is Darth Vador/Luke Skywalker/Hans Solo depending on the day, time, and whether or not I messed something up or accidentally let old milk sour in his ONLY water bottle. Gasp. I suck.
So ya...Im so ready to get out. I feel sometimes that I just went backwards. I mean like..ya obviously I went backwards. Rehab is definitely NOT some flying leap of YA...Im independent now and have my own all my other friends accomplished. No...I went from out on my oh shizz great. Penny-less and living at home with Chewbacca scraping his pee off the toiled seat all morning... Mmmmm I love cleaning the bathroom and dry heaving simultaneously first thing in the morning! I love my life..I love my life..I love my life...
Aaaaaaand now I am done ranting. I need to be thankful. I am. I am trying to be. Thank you God...that I am not STILL in rehab..or living on the street...or slipping roofies in some old guys drink so I can sketch some money of the dude. Thank you that I still have a job...I DO have a family that loves me..though it is friggin hard sometimes and they make me want to punch them in their arms..which wouldn't even hurt them cause they are all like grown now and could take me...but shhh don't tell them that.
Sigh...the truth of the matter is I need to just shut up and be grateful. Cause yes, our family is weird...and broken..and definitely not like The Waltens. But it is my family non-the-less.The only one I got. The one God gave me~

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I wish.....

Last night I spent the evening sitting outside on my mom's porch chattin' away to the sounds of crickets.
She told me the story of when she was in shopping at a store and passed a little girl and her mom trying on clothes. The little girl, around the sweet age of five, pulled gently on her mothers shirt and whispered,
"Mommy, am I fat?"
The mom got down on her knees, eye level with her little daughter and said firmly,
"NO! You are perfect."
I could have bawled my friggin eyes out when I heard this story. Grab yer ark cause the Flood part 2 is hittin...
UGH It hit me that if I could have one wish...I would wish that all the stigma around image would be GONE. DONE WITH. Never heard of again. There would not be an emphasis on what your body looked like. The beauty industry would be composed of DOVE and Burt's Bees. Good enough for me!
Models and runways would be done away with. Magazines...we would dance around them in a large bonfire...No more commercials using tiny stick women to sell every day friggin shampoo...really people..I just want my Suave..I don't want to see some play boy showing me how grand it is...I can try it out for myself, thanks. more Victoria Secret models. Those commercials make me want to punch babies.
I wish I could take the advice that mommy gave to her sweet little girl, put it in a present and wrap it up with a pink frilly bow. I would give it to each and every woman and girl and just watch their faces as they opened it and allowed the truth to truly soak into their hearts. I wish I could convince their little inner girl..that they too, are perfect just as God made them.
And I wish that I could tell the media...TO BEAT IT. (I will keep it pg...:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

schooooooooooooooooooooool (where the flying fart did summer go?)

So NIC finally let me register for my pittle-ey three classes. Sessions start August 22. Um...I JUST got back June 24~ WHAT! I have barely had a summer. :( I have had one paycheck..for 6 hours...I'm screwed. WHERE did summer go!!! Half my life feels like it has transpired since I was in friggin rehab for what seems like a zillion years. (yes I'm old- I bathed with dinosaurs.)
I'm so nervous (and that is the understatement of the year...)Scared that my brain will just shut down on me when I'm trying to learn cause I'm ridiculous like that. What if I can't find my classes? HOW am I going to get to and from school since my dad needs our ONE vehicle for work? Gosh..I'm going to have to take the bus...AHHHHCK have you seen the people who ride the bus...I'm definitely gonna got crack pushed on me...great. Well this will be a perfect opportunity to perfect my angry face....grrrrrr. Scared yet? Shooooot
Most of all..I'm terrified of failing. :( It is so much easier to live in the emptiness and silence that has become normal...accepted. But now I have to take a leap of faith outside my comfort zone.
So I did school before. Maybe I can do it now... Orrrrr again..maybe I will just start a TV show with my many...many cats. Stay tuned.

My longest relationship was a year and a half. Like the saying says...all good things must come to an end. Well it did. A very rough and painful end. We don't speak any more and it saddens me. What happened that turned things so sour? What could I have done to preserve the relationship? bout NOT be me...ugh
My brother and his girlfriend have been together for two and a half years. They will both be seniors graduating from high school this upcoming term. Last night my brother and his girlfriend went to a movie and invited me to come along with them. movie! Heck yes. I gratefully agreed! As we filed into the dark theater and took our seats, I realized another one of my friends was sitting to the left of us with her "significant other." I was now smack dab in the middle of the two couples. Ugh...
It then occurred to me...that I really suck when it comes to guys and relationships. I went hiking with a very nice guy last Tuesday. Mysterious, older, responsible, and drop dead dreamy, I found myself trying very hard to see why he would even want to waste the hour hiking with me- regardless that we are just friends. It still boggles me. I spent the hole evening hike trying hard not to:
1. Fall
2. Say something stupid...but keep the conversation going which circled mainly around phobia of snakes...and his pets..(ugh I suck)
and 3. fall of a cliff.
I accomplished two of the three goals. However, I was so shy (which is soooo unlike me accept when it comes to guys!) and stuck in my head that by the time we reached the end of our hike at the bottom of the parking lot...I pretty much fled the scene.
"Welll this is where I'm parked so by!!!"
Wow Winter..Way to be..way. to. be.
Ugh whatever. It is said and done. I am still left with the awful taste in my mouth that I am perpetually broken when it comes to interacting with a normal socially acceptable way. Its like I see a dude and I just clam up. Is there any hope for this guy handicapped woman? I seriously doubt it. It will just be me and my 53030q39040983943048 cats. (yes there is a q in there...:/ don't know what numeral that replaces..but its going to be a lot of fricken cats)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Success is a choice~

I walked by a car the other day that had the quote, "Success is a choice" on it the other day.
I totally agree with this statement. The unfortunate thing, however, is I am a master self sabotage- er.
The choice can be plain as day in front of me and I still choose to ignore it and look the other way.
Winter, you need to stop running temporarily you are injured.
Winter, you really should take better care of are looking a little frail.
And the inevitable..Winter you need to stop this or you will die.
The fact of the matter was, I couldn't. I was consumed. My only "choice" was death. I couldn't stop what I was doing on my own.
Today, I have choices. I have the choice to succeed in this "recovery" thing or choose to ignore my team's recommendations for me.
On Friday, I will have been out of treatment and back home a month. And I need to integrity check. WOW its been a long time since I have done one of these! So here we go~ I can tell that my "choices" are beginning to be tainted by ED again. My choices to skimp a little here and add some cardio in there. Now, granted, it has not affected me YET. But I know where these choices take me- I can play out the tape...all the way back to freakin rehab in Arizona. And God knows I NEVER want to end up there again. I just needed to come clean. And I will need to come clean on Friday with my dietitian. Because it is getting to that place where I am beginning to fear my choices- My meal plan- to fear surrendering again. So that's what I need to do. Because the secret of surrender. To your higher power. To your team. And I just keep thinkin' I can keep doing it by myself. But I cant. I need all of you. No more secrets. I'm letting you know now. Progress..not perfection.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The rain began last night. Thunder and lightning graced the sky periodically. The rain continued into today in the form of a steady down fall.
I went for a walk in the rain. I LOVE walking in the rain. It clears the cobwebs from my mind. The droplets wash away all doubt, pain, suffering, and care in that moment.
Wash over me-make me new.
The rain makes me long to be a child again. I want to make a giant blanket fort, find flashlights, and pretend we are astronauts on a long anticipated venture. Indians hiding from fierce storms. A family living back in the Colonial times.
I want to lose myself in between the covers of a mystery book, lost in the wonder and angst of what happens to Bobby and Sue as they solve the mystery of the century.
I want to run outside. Climb trees. Seek out adventure. I want to fall and feel the pain and have you pick me up, kiss the boo boo, and reassure me that I am OK- It is just a scrape.
I want to finger paint, color outside the lines, sculpt masterpieces that would shame Michelangelo with Play Dough.
I want to play dolls and script their life, making every aspect perfect, knowing all along the plan for their life.
I want to pretend the world is not rotating today- that all time is frozen and it is just you and me.
I want you to look at me the way you once did. I want to hold your hand and hear about your day. I want to tell you my dreams, all the while feeling my insides burning with anticipation and hope. I want to be able to trust. To feel. To know that I am safe in your arms and that no matter what happens, I have you.
I want to be ignorant of all the world says- all that it requires of me. It is on days like today that my inner child creeps out and begs to play. My little Winnie whispers to me, patiently, beautifully- twirling around in her black, sequined leotard. She is fearless. She is un-knowing. She is willing. She is PERFECT.
Why? Why cannot I see that little girl in the mirror staring back at me with her big brown eyes and waist-length curly hair? Why can't I hear her simple requests for fun- for life- for food- and for love and meet them? Why do I neglect this small child yearning for love and attention? If I could go back in time and tell her anything, I would simply tell her this:
"Take your time little one. One day at a time. You are a daughter of God. You are loved. You are beautiful."
Please open your eyes. See the rain. Feel its promise. Drink it in.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back in Black*

Soooo I think my funk started with this whole stupid job thing. I get stressed over choices. I get stressed when they are a big deal to me and they involve other people. I get stressed when it means my choice might hurt someone else and impact them negatively.
I think I dove farther into my funk on Friday when I met with my beautiful dietitian. She weighed me. And the numbers  did not move. My weight was stable for a week. For once! Now, this should be a great thing, right? I should be happy. Oh Lordy, here I go with the “shoulds” again. Well I was not jumping up and down with happiness or joy. In fact, I just kinda sat there. Ok. Cool. Whatever.
I felt numb. Sedated. Apathetic. Checked out.
 I left and it hit me. I felt…sad. Depressed. Confused. Disgusted.  I have become so accustomed to every appointment with the dietitian being a big fiasco, usually ending up with me blubbering hysterically. I am usually forced to have to do things I am not comfortable with. The usual….you need to eat more-walk less..blah blah blah. However, this appointment did not follow the status quo. It went..fine. Well many would argue. But I maintained.  My eating disorder was PISSED OFF.
“What do you mean you maintained? Um..hello! Have you seen yourself!  You disgust me.”
The eating disordered, messed up, sick side of me was sad- angry even- that I had not dropped. I realized that I am really going to have to do this. I am really going to have maintain this new body of mine. This new body and I are not friends. We are closer to the enemy side of things. In fact, I really freaking hate me right now. I kinda wish I could just start cuttin’ pieces of my fleshy, fat rear right off! OK, a little morbid I know… I realize that. But I’m serious. This whole new body…ya..not so much a fan right now. There is little I can do about that right now but accept where I am at in this moment and get through it. Not pussy foot around it. Or try and jump over it. Trudge right through this slime pit. :/ Blarg.
So I accept that I am where I am at.  I am in mourning. There is creepy dungeon music playing out of a massive organ as I am swathed in black attire mourning the loss of what was. What I have worked for my entire life. I worked so hard to achieve greatness, attain perfection. Until I woke up one day and realized this was all wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It’s not supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be happy! And all I felt...was death. So now I must bury those years that are said and done. Dead and gone. Place them in a casket, lower them i to the ground, and place a tombstone (luckily not my own..though it was a close call) above marking the end of sickness- the beginning of life. My life. Not ED’s. Here’s my eulogy to the bastard.
First and foremost, goodbye to my “sick” body. There are times where I really, really miss you. A lot.
Goodbye to forever feeling internally cold- chilled to the bone by uncertain death.
Goodbye to that favored feeling of emptiness- the hollow sensation in my stomach. Pure, clean, beautiful hunger.
Goodbye to the ability to poke and prod and squeeze and feel nothing but skin upon bone.
Goodbye to purple,  paper thin skin always covered in lanugo, bruises, and goose bumps.
Goodbye to the inability to sleep through the night because your body keeps waking up due to it thinking it will not get through the night without nutrients.
Goodbye to THAT size you so longed to be. Goodbye to surpassing that size and having literally nothing fit you. Goodbye to these  “favorite” clothes. Those sizes should be discontinued.
Goodbye to the stares, the raised eyebrows, the frowns, the questions and concerns caused by your appearance. Goodbye to the tears and heartache you bestowed onto those who loved you.
Goodbye to loss of memory, chronic headache and fatigue,  and no recall ability. To the constant war inside your head. To not being able to get through one paragraph, no scratch that, sentence of a book without having to re-read it.
Goodbye to the blood, sweat, and tears devoted to your addiction.
Goodbye to compulsively working towards a slow suicide.
Goodbye to countless hours spent acting out- all the time wasted you will never get back.
Goodbye to the lies. The obsession. The fear. The shame. The guilt. The hatred. The hypocrisy. The torment. The control. The worry. The anguish. THE HELL YOU LIVED IN.
Goodbye to Vogue, US Weekly, People, Women’s Health, Runners Mag, and all the other bullshit out there that should be burned.
To America’s Top Model. Go eat a freaking cheeseburger.
Goodbye to wearing four layers of clothing and still be shivering- lips blue, bones aching.
Goodbye to the theory that less is more. The lower the better-the faster the better-smaller the better.
Goodbye to numbers. Sizes. Measurements. Calorie counting. Label checking. Mirrors. Scales. Fitting rooms.
Goodbye to the digits slowly dropping. Slowly dying. Melting. Evaporating. Disappearing into ashes. These numbers- till death do us part.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Let go~

"Let go and let God."

Why can't I seem to listen to this seeminly simple five word piece of advice?


Thursday, July 7, 2011


I am NOT good with choices.
Especially when it comes to the choice of where the heck should I work!
The care-taking co-dependend side of me says I should just stay with Target- because I do not want them to be mad that I am ditching them. Plus, it is safe. And I am boring.
The other side of me wants more hours and more money. Thus, I need something different.
But the perfectionist side is scared that I am going to make the wrong choice- screw it up somehow. Since I usually have a good knack for that.
Just when I think I have it all figured out, I find out...oh...I don't.
Shiiiiizzzzzz. What to do what to do....:/
I want a burning bush. I want the voice of God to just YELL out which job I'm supposed to take.
To quote Brittany Spears...."GIVE ME A SIGGGGGN! HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!"
Ohhh gosh..did I just quote Brittany...yes..yes I did. :/

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dessert challenge~

During my time in Arizona in Intensive Inpatient, the facility thought it would be "fun" to give the patients there dessert challenge twice a week...on top of our already monumental meal plans.
I can still see it now- Patients shuffling slowly through the cafe line with panic stricken looks plastered onto their faces.
Only here in an eating disorder treatment facility is eating a dessert, something that is meant to be enjoyed, the equivalent to drinking a vat of poison- a cruel and unusual form of torture. We thought the world would end once the first bite touched our quivering lips.
Needless to say, I am still alive:) The dessert did not kill me. But it is sad for me to admit that I am still very wary of challenging myself to venture out of my safe zone- my meal plan. To go over my designated and "recommended" amount of food is mind blowing to me. It freaks me out......

So the other night my dad, my friend, and I all decided to grab dinner on our way back from a dietitian's appointment I had in Spokane. The appointment went longer than I had anticipated and it was already past dinner time so it was suggested that we stop and grab some grub.
Immediately my heart rate went up-
1. I was going to have to eat...period.
2. I was going to have to eat out....
3. I was going to have to eat out in front of other people
Dang...this recovery thing is challenging..:/
THEN came the business of trying to figure out where the hell we could go~ We finally decided on The Ugly Asian Fish Bistro where my friend works at (and gets a discount!:)
I enjoy sushi...I really do. However, I eat the sushi that is strictly rice and fish. Other human beings are bored by this combo (I cannot fathom why:) and enjoy getting enticing and flavorful dishes and sushi combos.
They scare me.
So we got three different kinds and I very mindfully tried the other two kinds....and yes, decided I enjoy my boring sushi still :)
So dinner went OK without any major mishaps or breakdowns on my part (even though my chopstick skills were sketchy at best.)
I'm all set and good to go....and then the lovely waitress comes and offers us the dessert options. Oh I feel like I'm simultaneously having a heart attack, my face is on fire, and I just may faint.
Of course my dad and bestie each order a lovely dessert and when it comes out they thoroughly enjoy it, making orgasmic moaning sounds of pure happiness.
Internally, I feel like I'm having a lobotomy. I could moan and cry and beat my fist on the ground with angst. :/
They offer me some...ED yells at me..
"Don't you dare you fat cow!"
"Just one bite won't kill me. I have not done a dessert challenge for months and it would be good to try it. Plus, I did not meet all my needs at dinner."
ED: "Ummm  you met your fat needs faaaaar beyond what you need girl. Give it up piggy."
I shut my eyes and try a bite. Yep, I did it.
ED was not happy. He tried to pull all sorts of crap on me...The whole, oooooh now you have done it! You
in a zillion pounds now that you are completely out of control! should really go running tomorrow now to compensate for that dinner and dessert.
All these things were running through my mind. So what did I do? My friend and I headed over to my bestie's house and sat and visited with her late into the night. No running, no starving- just healthy distraction with those who love me and don't care what I look like.
I just wish I could not care what I look like....Some day...Some day I hope ED will be barely a whisper...
Someday I hope I can try a bite of cake...Have my cake and eat it, too. Maybe some day~

Friday, July 1, 2011


I knew this was going to happen. I knew it was something I was going to have to face.
I just did not think I would feel this bad.

My mother and I are best friends- soul sistas- kindred spirits.
We also suffer from the same disease
And she is my relapse waiting to happen.
Thus, in the last five months, I have done a lot of work around separating these two twisted, enmeshed, contorted lives and acknowledging that I am not my mother-my mother is not me. I do not have to become my mother though we share the same genes. I can choose not to participate in the activities she engages in that are not beneficial to my recovery.
I am my mother's daughter, but I am not my mother's keeper.
This is really hard for me. I look up to my mother. I LOVE my mother. I would take a bullet for her.
Co-dependent? oooh ya baby :/
I also have a hard time looking at my mother these days- as I have just grown bigger, she seems to be dissipating into the vapor of no return- "Ana"
For many who suffer with Ana, their greatest fear is becoming fat. I must admit, it terrifies me. A lot. Vain, I know. I cannot justify it, or wish it away.
But there is a concern that runs deeper than the blood that courses my veins:
The fear of losing my mother to this insidious disease. The fear that I have impacted my brothers or anyone else in a negative way.
I cannot control my mother. I cannot anticipate or worry what will happen to her or others. All I can control is my actions to situations. So when my mother and I have a lovely discussion and I state my boundaries and she gets pissed, I have to keep on. I can't starve away the guilt, I can't take my anger out on the situation by running my body into the ground. I acknowledge that she is angry. That it is my words that caused her this pain. But I also play back the tape. Was what I said respectful? I own what I own and leave the rest. So instead of letting ED get the best of me, I get my hair dyed with my brother's girlfriend and rest in the peace that God knows. He is omniscient and all-powerful. I have no power over my mother. Just like she has no power over me anymore. And just like ED is slowly losing power over me.