Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to make poor choices~

1. Don't think before you speak.
2. Impulsivity is your best friend.
3. Don't ask ANYONE for their input. Assume that you know what is best.
4. Don't ask clarifying question.
5. If there is a dark, creepy alleyway...definitely walk down it.
6. If a creeper asks you for your phone number in line at CVS, give it to him.
7. If Simon says ------
8. Don't read the directions.
9. Don't touch! TOUCH IT
10. Go shopping alone and spend your entire paycheck.
11. Red means GO- Stop signs are just a suggestion.
12. If your nervous to tell someone about a choice you are making, its probably the wrong one.
13. Be by yourself...all the time.
14. Tell your life story and talk about all your past relationships on the 1st date.
15. Cut your hair.
16. Take in a stray cat.
17. Don't bring a sweater.
18. Get a tattoo or piercing when under the influence...or from a man in a windowless, white van.  (Ready for this! BRIDESMAIDS QUOTE!)

Brynn:Guess what happened to me today?
Annie:Mmm... what?
Brynn:I got a free tattoo. I could not believe it. The guy said, "do you want a tattoo?", opened up the side of his van...
Brynn:...and said "it's for free!" So I said, "sure."
19. Let your friend dye your hair.
20. Don't study for that pop quiz.
21. When your drunk, call your ex. Who is already on speedial.
22. But a pint of Ice cream and swear only to eat half.
23. Go spray tanning.
24. Call your father.
25. Mess around with another girl's boyfriend.
26. Go through your boyfriend's phone...texts (in order from previous to oldest)
27. Don't listen to Sirie.
28. Seek out all possible sugar daddy's on
29. Hair extensions...Grow a rat tail. Shave your eyebrows.
30. Brazilian bikini wax at home anyone?
31. Conveniently forget your sunscreen at home~ And peel off your burnt, peeling skin before beach visit number 2. You'll feel great in the morning.
32. Sit next to the homeless man on the bus. Proceed by licking the bus handle.
33. Sit next to the crying baby on your Southwest flight.
34. Eat the deli meat that's been in the hot car for hours.
35. Curdled cream. Tastes fine? Eh, I'm gonna drink it.
36. Text while driving. Preferably during rush hour...or in the presence of a cop.
37. Dawn in the dishwasher.
38. Toothpaste, deodorant, and Depends are not mandatory. To save money, make sure to leave your tampon in for as long as possible. Toxic shock isn't as bad as it sounds.
39. Rationalization, justification, and minimization are your three best friends.
40. Keep secrets...Don't ask for help. Cause lets be honest, nobody...I repeat, NOBODY is trustworthy.