Monday, August 5, 2013


                                                                     CHEERS! Here is to:

To the Porta potty so conveniently placed right here on my running route…the moment my body decides…it’s GOTTA GO! THANK YOU!

To the cool, dripping beverage that doesn’t explode all over when I’m just freaking parched and need a drink now~ THANK YOU

To my bed…which never turns me away or yells, “GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!” at me. Thank you…my head does that enough on its own.

To the makers of Greek Yogurt…thank you.

To the inventor of coffee…THANK youuuuu

To the shower…after a long, hot day… THANK YOU

To the mother who brings her screaming child into the store…thank you (not)

To the producers of anti-#whateverissueyouhaveinserthere meds…THANK YOU~

To the Starbucks that lets me come into their humble abode and sit with my laptop and use their free Wi-Fi and not purchase a drink cause I’m broke…THANK YOU!

To my mascara…for making my eyelashes visible…thank you!

Ibuprofen and Midol…Thanks a million.

To Enrique Iglesias…THANK you…just for being a fine specimen of a man…thanks God for creating such a lovely…package.

For the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch…thank you. Cause to lack one of these would really blow.

To whomever helped Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan into rehab…thank you!

To the royal baby being born already...freakin’ thank you!

To the smell of books, freshly mowed grass, baby heads, and gasoline…mmmm thank you.

To password resets. Thank you.

Sincerely, forgetful

To all things in life that present themselves and then prove that they should not be attempted or experienced within two seconds and does not cause me to sit and dwell on them…agonizing what to do! What to Do! Thank you!

To the writers of The Office…thank you.

Thank you cozy old sweatshirt I have had for ages, for asking me for nothing but a cozy hug all day ‘ery day.

Thank you Subway for giving me a cheap, healthy, and scrumptious alternative to fast food when I am busy and need to eat…AKA too lazy to cook.

Thank you acronyms like AKA for making long drawn out phrases simpler…unless I don’t know what you stand for…then you suck.

Thank you gummy worms for being a delectable explosion in my mouth. That’s what she said.

Thank you ‘that’s what she said’ quote for being awkward and overly used.

Thank you dog that doesn’t chase me down the street and give me sever urges to punt you in the muzzle.

Thank you word ‘muzzle’ for being a fun word to say and not rhyming with anything, really…accept fuzzle. Oh…wait…puzzle…shiz.

Thank you bee for not stinging me…now I KILL YOU.

Thank you Target for being the best stores ever…and seducing me with your delightful balls of red and white and super great deals!

Thank you pickle…for supplying me with a month’s worth of sodium..yet for being so crunchy and satisfying!

Thank you mustard/hot sauce combo for making my mouth scorch with pleasure!

Thank you Facebook for letting me post my randomness….and thank you friends and readers for lovin’ me despite all my weirdness and reading my writingJ