Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rosewood grace~

So to be honest, I am still struggling with feelings of intense shame and guilt after eating. I find myself endlessly judging everything I put into my mouth, doubting my metabolism and fearing my body. I don't know if anyone else can relate at this point in their recovery, but it is getting frustrating, tiring, and is depleting my spirit. So one way I am going to try to capture, challenge, and change these thoughts and re-frame them when they invade is by simply stating " thank you." I want to begin practicing saying thank you each time I nourish and refuel my body. Giving thanks to my higher power will place me in a state of gratitude, not guilt, thus taking away power from the negative voices that plague me following meal and snack times. By taking the next right indicated step of feeding myself, I am choosing to live a more present and full life. Because an empty shell just produces an empty life. And I got stuff to do! My most unstable relationship is with myself, my worse critic is my own inner voice. * thank you God for the strength this food provides, the mental functioning it gives me. For energy, passion, zest for life. For memory, concentration, warmth, sleep, positive demeanor, and attitude. Food is not the enemy. It is my medicine. And I will be ok as I take it in the prescribed amounts my dietitian recommends. My body wants to work for me, I need not be afraid of it. Thank you God that you always provide ENOUGH. For you satisfy my soul in every way: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. YOU are the bread of life. Ease the voice inside of my head, reprimanding me and calling me a failure for maintaining my weight and sustaining my healthy body. That voice is not yours- it's baratement not of you. Help me to always remember " What is in front of me meets my needs. I will accept this food as nourishment for my body and mind. May my life be enriched by these gifts I am receiving." That's for all you Rosewood peeps out there!! #everymealrosewoodgeaceohmygoshneveragain :) luv u all! ***win***