~Beneath Your Beautiful~
Beneath your beautiful
There lies a profound emptinessA distraught heart
An unquenchable desire to be found
A precious little girl desperately wanting to hear
‘You are beautiful’
Beneath your beautiful
Are the fragmented memories
The filthy feeling creeping along your flesh
Flashbacks of hands upon you
All the lies, the broken promises
Praying for it to be over
Inwardly cringing when he says,
‘You are beautiful’
Beneath your beautifulScreaming, fighting, battling
Yet nothing but dead silence escapes her lips
Running, hiding, wasting
But the soul-less feeling inevitably remains
Filled with vial unbelief when she hears
‘You are beautiful’
Crying, dying, bleeding
The blood seeps from her veins
She whispers to the crimson tear
‘You are beautiful.’
Beneath your beautiful
Broken she stumbles, grasping for
anything familiar. Stable.One mistake after another, another failure added to her list
Another tally mark on her wall of shame
Another slit upon her flesh
Too afraid to ask for help, fear shrouds her muddled brain
She slips away from reality into the black oblivion.
The peace, the quiet, the calm.
It is so beautiful.
Beneath your beautifulThe shell cracks, the light bursts forth
Frigid air hits her sensitive, paper-thin skin,
The ice running through her veins begins to unthaw.
The new born slowly peels away the layers,
Eyes squinting, lungs gasping
She emerges from the cocoon
Tries to take it all in
The view
The world
Beneath your beautiful
She stumbles along on wobbly
legs, relearning how to walk yet again.Every sound so sharp, every texture so descript
Every feeling so powerful she fears she will be swept away
The tides of the ocean of emotions, overpowering waves crashing onto her.
Reliving is terrifying, the rebirthing…is beautiful.
Beneath your beautiful
Upon the horizon, against the sunAn image slowly floats toward her
Un-identifiable yet un-mistakable. Unbelievable.
The presence consumes her.
Undeniable, unimaginable, unforgettable, unconditional,
The love she’s always longed for.
The purpose she’s endlessly searched for.
The place she’s feebly fought for.
She is seen. Heard. Understood. She is fulfilled.
She is blessed beyond reason and cursed with a passion.
To tell you along with the others stranded and fading,
‘You are beautiful’