Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fake vs. Real

FAKE~ Having a false or misleading appearance.
One that is not authentic.
To contrive and present as genuine.
Here are some thoughts of mine on this concept of FAKE things~
Fake boobs- Ya know their phony when they don’t bounce. :/
Fake environmentalists- Claim they don’t eat meat to “save the animals”…and then they parade around in their fur coats and pelt hats.
Drive their Prius two miles to work and then snowmobile, four wheel, and jet ski all weekend.
Bottled water while there are places in the world that DONT have access to clean water directly.
Recycle? What's that?
Fake tan- You, my dear woman, are not tan. You are orange. Either you have contracted a very serious skin disease, Leprosy perhaps? Or you deficient in some essential vitamin. I would get that checked out, ASAP.
Fake ID’s- So Betty Sue…why don’t you run along and give this back to your momma. You ain’t 21.
Is Winter your real name?????
Fake diamonds- “Dude! Your wife tried to trade her ring in?”
“Ya, and then she found out it was fake…”
“No wonder you’re sleepin’ on the couch…”
Fake: Can’t go to sleep, leave the house, or be seen without makeup on.
Fake smile: Wow…that looks like it hurts….I hate being constipated.
Plastic surgery: Again again!…smile again….Nope still nothing. It is amazing…NOTHING on your face moves! Please refer to Michael Jackson’s nose. Grotesque.
Fakers- I have no flaws. FAKE humility- I have no strengths and only weaknesses. REAL people: I got strengths and weaknesses baby! I am perfectly imperfect!
Hair: ‘Scuse me! I think you just l dropped your cat…
The poof…. is a large mound of hair that is pushed up close to the forehead and secured with a zillion bobby pins and a mass amount of hairspray. If you push on it gently….POP GOES THE WIESEL!
Nacho cheese…oooooh good Lord. NO that would be orange goop..probably the same goop people use to fake tan with.
Bologna: Processed cat and dog body parts…a little circular convenient sliceeeee of slimy goodness!~(barf)  Oooooh my bologna has a first name in OSCAR- um STOP right there…that was your DOGS name..Oscar…the same dog that went into make this crap.
Fast food- It may be fast, but it is definitely not food.
SPAM: Anything that could survive a nuclear blast should not be consumed or ingested.
Stuvia: mmm tastes like sugar…cause it’s made  from…CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS!
Fake: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Kid…if some bearded man dressed in red slides down your chimney…it is NOT Old Chris Kringle…THAT would be an escaped convict/felon. Call the 911 ASAP.
Fairy tales: Ya ya ya…if I had seven little men following me around constantly, I would KNOW that it wasn’t real! And there is no WAY they lived “happily ever after.” And glass slippers…hello! CRACK
Models: Sure, you could live your life strutting down a runway, pouting at camera, and subsisting on rice cakes and carrot sticks. But that is not life. That is FAKE. Was Mother Teresa a size two? Did Jesus fake bake and spend his loaves and fishes gettin’ his taaaaan on? I think not. They will be remembered for the great works they did-the things they accomplished. So while the whole world is fooled into thinking that thin is in- I know what it leads to. I can play out the tape. Twiggy is not pretty. And I refuse to allow you to make me think otherwise. Know why? IT’S FAKE
REAL life is doing chores likes making the bed, scrubbing the latrine, and doing the dishes. It's workin' 9-5 at some insanely boring desk job, but hey it pays the bills. It is being a mother, a teacher, a surgeon, a waiter. It is spent scraping your kids poo off the wall at 4 am. Holding your friend's hair when she has a little too much to drink. Waiting by the phone for that special person to call you just so you can hear their voice, though they are thousand's of miles away. REAL life is hard. Get a helmet. It sucks at times. But I wouldn't trade it for a moment. Because trials are what makes us stronger. Tribulation creates a fire in us that can never be quenched. God created this life for us- He chose to provide the Way, the Truth, and the Life to save us. Real enough for ya? THAT kind of love can never be faked.
* I would like to dedicate this post to my good friend Jami (AKA DILLHOLE) Kidd~ You inspire me- you are one of the most REAL people I know.