Saturday, June 8, 2013

Things I just don't get~

*Disclaimer: began this list before the happenings yesterday...ironic?

~Socks with sandals
~Star Wars
~Why I can't apply eyeliner or mascara with my mouth closed
~Rap music
~Super models
~Why people post half naked pictures of themselves on Facebook
~'Your mom' jokes
~This new half shaved-half long hair style
~People who can exercise, drink, and eat normally
~Why it costs so much to get an education
~ Skate boarding, downhill skiing
~Anything that requires coordination
~Talking in public
~ 'The Hangover'
~ Evolution
~ Clothing sizes
~ Why it can't be sunny all the time
~Llamas, ostriches, camels, all things with abnormally long necks
~ My body

I met my therapist yesterday morning. She told me how they would like for me to stay until the end of July. My insurance rolls over June 30th. And I cannot afford the $3500 deductible. Unless I rob a bank.
I then left her office discouraged. To walk right into the shooting on Pico. The shots. The bus. It is all so real and still ringing in my ears. 7 dead. I know I should be grateful...but I cannot shake the question that is plaguing me. Why was I not one of them? I was right there...literally. Why was I not taken? So overwhelmed. It is so dark...clinging to something, anything...But I am losing my grip- feel myself slowly slipping...