Saturday, June 15, 2013

We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it....

Thursday night Process group~ There sits the girl in the corner trying unsuccessfully to stifle her sobs, openly stating how FAT she is…how much food she has to eat…how badly she wants to be off of restoration~ She screams, she is just done.
She is so in her disorder.
It is so sad to see. Triggering as hell. But it brings me right back. I have so been there. I know I need to take pity and try to come from a place of understanding. Sometimes it is so hard to do though… Bless them, change me. Because that kind of talk can be as captivating to me as a bottle of gin is to a drunk. God, keep me sane.

For those of us who have traveled the road a bit further than those just beginning, we have had a glimpse of that glorious view. Recovery.  And there is NO going back. We can see what life can be, if only we stick to it. The promises that are being revealed, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, in our lives. Don’t stop before the miracle happens~
I look back at how far I have come, from the blubbering mess, depressed and crying hysterically over how HUGE I felt, (which I still can and will go back to, don’t get me wrong!) afraid of every food, crying over dessert challenges, pinching, grimacing, loathing every aspect of my outward being. Drinking Boost, Ensure, and Resource like they were going out of style. 1,2,3. Up to five times a day. Oh, how I despised the liquid calories running down my throat, burning my stomach as the cement-like formula landed in my gut like a concrete boulder. The agony. The degrading situation of having to beg someone to let you into the bathroom and then watch them flush for you. Not being able to have your sharps so you can shave your legs, for goodness sakes, for fear that you will have a mental break down and harm yourself or another. Being served your food and babysat until you’ve finished EVERY crumb, for if not, you would be with yet still another cup of resource (AKA liquid lard). Looking forward to coffee in the morning, even if it was just decaf. That being the only motivation for finishing your meal 99.9% of the time. Being threatened with a feeding tube or accused of exercising in secret because your weight is not increasing, yet your stomach is quite visibly protruding, trying to get used to being fed 6 times a day- knowing in 3 days even more food will be added to your meal plan and not even comprehending how you will physically be able to get it in and keep it down. Accomplishing that first day of a meal plan increase, pushing through it, and lying down that night just trying to breathe past the pain. Praying to God for the strength that tomorrow will be better, easier somehow. Getting letters from home that make you weak at the knees and long mournfully for normalcy. For freedom. Therapy sessions that bring up such painfully disgusting memories that ooze with shame and regret. Delving into the past which is, in all reality, equivalent to jumping into a pool of knives, silenced as they pierce your heart and tear at your soul. Listening to others life stories, feeling their self-hatred and sadness coursing through your heart. Wanting desperately to take it away.

“God, remove this cup from me, from them.” Questioning WHY- Why is this happening? What have I done? God save me, save us, from this Hell.

Watching people you share intimate moments with, live side by side 24/7, struggle-cry-walk through the sea of their own shrieking demons. Watch them leave pre-maturely due to insurance cutting them off- How unfair. Seeing the looks of hopeless desperation across their face. Not understanding why I am still here, why they have to leave. Feeling so undeserving. Having your heart crushed as you see your brethren in this battle for life pack their bags and head into the big world, into the battleground-fighting for their very lives, like David with just a slingshot and some stones against Goliath- the armed Juggernaut  wielding a mighty sword. Knowing all along that they can do it- seeing the strength they have but having that same sinking feeling. Doubt. You are unequipped and ill prepared. Pouring your heart and soul into that loved one, but having to let go and disconnect when they fall victim again back into the captivity of Ana or Mia. The brutal thing about recovery,  about working YOUR program, is you have to be selfish. Because at the end of the day, you can’t take anyone with you. It comes down to you, God, and the treatment team. You begin to experience laughter, joy again. Such foreign sensations. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry with relief. But alas, also comes the depression, the pain, and the anger. For you cannot feel one without knowing the other.  But when you are hit with that sudden wave of ecstasy, nothing in the world feels better. Not that first drink, that hit, that shot, that run, that starve, or that purge. Sheer pleasure tingles throughout your entire frame.

You will meet many brands of human on your journey. There are those people you literally cannot stand. They make your skin crawl, their voice raising the hair on your neck. They are entitled. Their stay is to them but a vacation, sucking off the teat of mommy and daddy’s trust fund. Hiding food, sleeping through groups, spreading rumors, and being genuine assholes. Ignore them. They are not ready. They have not hit their bottom yet and that is OK. With time they will see how much they are hurting themselves, hurting their loved ones. That they could have a whole life ahead of them if they were to just let go, for it is theirs for the taking. Don’t allow them to suck you into the undercurrent of ED.
There are the ones that walk through the doors that will trigger the shit out of you. They talk constantly about how much weight they have lost, how sick they were, how much coke they snorted, dope they smoked, heroine they shot whilst living in their cave of a home, glorifying a most heinous existence. The ones that are gorgeous and thin, everything you vainly attempted to be. Well-known and successful, they reside close to their family, returning each night after a day in their frequently sought-after career to their beloved dog and boyfriend, living in a gorgeous, yet tastefully decorated apartment. But did you know? Do you remember how they got here? Oh yeah…they have an eating disorder, an addiction. Their lives have become unmanageable. They presumably have all those things, yet are still not satisfied. They still have that black hole in their chest, threatening to overtake them with darkness if they do not squelch the insatiable emptiness. They hate themselves just as much as you do. They are suffering. Not one person is on a higher playing field than another. We are all in pain.  No one’s trauma is worse than yours, body sicker than hers, mental capacity more compromised than another. We all ended up in the same place, Inpatient. The highest level of care available for one with an eating disorder. Because you were this close to death. To compare is to despair. Focus on yourself and your recovery. Cause once you get sucked back down into that rabbit hole, there ain’t no turnin’ back.

And then there are your gumbas. Your besties. The kindred spirits you meet. Your brothers and sisters in recovery, fellow warriors against the wicked forces of ED. Prophets against the plague of Black Death. The love you have for them is immensely overwhelming. You will sob with them, laugh with them, hate their disorder and want to junk punch them in the face at times. But then you sit down, scream it out, yell, cuss, and say your peace. And move the fuck on. And you become stronger because of it. Because you have both lived in silence for too long. You would do anything for them. You pass the long hours of your day making bracelets for them, placing secret notes in their cubbies, making their bed. They fold your clothes, lend you a stamp, play with your hair, walk with you to your looming dietary appointment, distract you with game after game of contact as you pick at a hard meal, snuggle with you while watching a movie, trade clothes, do your makeup, pray in the art closet, sing Taylor Swift, serenade one another with Aladdin’s “A Whole New World,” quote Bridesmaids with incessantly, plan out your future around, both lamenting the fact that you haven’t seen a man in 3 months. You celebrate the ever- anticipated bowel movements, cheer them on as they drink their Metamucil, buy bookstore rings with (poppin’ tags at treatment! Boom!), pass notes to, vent about how much so and so is annoying the bat shit out of you, steal extra salt packets for, swiftly move your place-setting by so the techs don’t catch you, puzzles, color princess pics with, pray for during late night chat sessions, nail painting parties, crying fits and spells of hysterical belly laughter that you haven’t experienced in years. These are the moments that tie us together, the bonds that cannot be broken.

People are put into our lives that usually remind us of someone or something in our past. They give us the unique opportunity to revisit the painful memories and make peace with the situation. Some are tests from God, showing us our weaknesses, the places in our hearts we need Him to come in and weed out. Others are our angels who come into our lives and teach us our purpose. Who inspire us, who risk opening their hearts and arms to us, who stand by us and love us unconditionally. Not for what we have done or are doing now, but for who we are yet to become. They can see the potential within us, the person we are destined to morph into. And even if for only a short time they walk in our lives and we scarcely cross paths, they paint our stories with their unique experience, strength, and hope and change our destiny for the better. Forever.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Voices in my head, painful memories rushing past like a car speeding too close to you. Tears seeping through my veins, an unconscious torrent of thoughts whipping me, leaving lacerations on my my heart and soul. That familiar Cris-crossed pattern.
 Numbers and I do not go together well...period. Yesterday, after a trip to the doctor to try to solve the mystery of why I have been feeling so depressed and lethargic these past several weeks, the nurse told me my weight. After telling her I needed to do a blind weigh in, she uttered that NUMBER.
And my head was off with the races.
Telling me so many awful things...scream,starve, cut, run.

I can see you there in the corner, curled up in a bawl, hiding your face to disguise the sick twinkle in your bloodshot eyes, a smirk across your horrid face. You are whispering to yourself, wringing your hands, and giggling uncontrollably. Just waiting for me to cave, ready to pounce, awaiting my demise. The devil who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Your tactics are old, your moves predictable. Your callous comments now just make me sick. You think you still have power over me, and the truth is...your words will always hide out in the crevices of my brain, just waiting to materialize. But now I have the power. I have regained the strength you tore from out of my trembling, blue hands. Just because I found out my weight doesn't mean I will give up...You have controlled me for too long...I have fought too hard. Get your hands off of me...allow my bruises to heal. My festering wounds to scab over. I will allow myself to grow stronger. Fear me.
For here is my rebuttal.

You have shrieked at me for so long. I am so tired of your threats, your constant nagging worry. Your incessant demands and groans when I put anything remotely resembling food into my body. The way you pretend to love me and then stab me in the back. The horrible names you call me. The abuse. The physical, mental, emotional torture. You have poisoned my world, tainted everything with your jaded irony. You dropped me in the vat of self hatred, drenching me with my own salty tears, and wrung me dry, hanging me up on the close line of victims, displaying our sick bodies, scars, and pained faces for all the world to see. I am cutting myself free from the noose you have fastened around my neck. Learning to run again on wobbling legs. Opening my mouth and wailing my truth for the very first time, like a newly born infant. Fear me. This is my rebuttal.

I am not a problem that needs to be solved...I hold the answer inside, waiting fervently for me to recognize it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Things I just don't get~

*Disclaimer: began this list before the happenings yesterday...ironic?

~Socks with sandals
~Star Wars
~Why I can't apply eyeliner or mascara with my mouth closed
~Rap music
~Super models
~Why people post half naked pictures of themselves on Facebook
~'Your mom' jokes
~This new half shaved-half long hair style
~People who can exercise, drink, and eat normally
~Why it costs so much to get an education
~ Skate boarding, downhill skiing
~Anything that requires coordination
~Talking in public
~ 'The Hangover'
~ Evolution
~ Clothing sizes
~ Why it can't be sunny all the time
~Llamas, ostriches, camels, all things with abnormally long necks
~ My body

I met my therapist yesterday morning. She told me how they would like for me to stay until the end of July. My insurance rolls over June 30th. And I cannot afford the $3500 deductible. Unless I rob a bank.
I then left her office discouraged. To walk right into the shooting on Pico. The shots. The bus. It is all so real and still ringing in my ears. 7 dead. I know I should be grateful...but I cannot shake the question that is plaguing me. Why was I not one of them? I was right there...literally. Why was I not taken? So overwhelmed. It is so dark...clinging to something, anything...But I am losing my grip- feel myself slowly slipping...

Monday, June 3, 2013


I had a busy schedule last week. I was the DJ, GoGo dancer, and bouncer at my very own pity part. I had a list of all the things that were stressing me out...because heaven forbid I would forget something I could complain about. The big F word was hawking over me like a storm cloud, a monstrosity of gray blurr. FUTURE
I was depressed and going down the scary road of passive suicidal bueno. I felt physically ill and disconnected. NOT myself. I wanted to do anything to get myself out of the funk and feel better. Unfortunately, none of the coping tools I wanted to utilize were beneficial to me or my recovery. People kept saying, "This too shall pass!" And to be honest, I wanted to junk punch them!
I KNOW IT WILL PASS BUT I WANT IT TO GO AWAY NOW~ Cause I'm all about the instant gratification. But I trudged on.
Friday afternoon I talked to my dad...awkward but it went OK...I kept it like cotton balls, light and fluffy. I chilled at home and rested since my stomach was twistin around like Flipper. My mom called me later in the evening.
"I thought you died!" I told her (cause to not hear from her for more than an hour must mean she is dead...yes I am aware we are the epitome of co-dependency)
"I was out to dinner, and you will never guess with who!" she responded.
After a myriad of guesses which oscillated among President Obama, Oprah, or Jesus, she answered with a response that shocked me more than any of those three answers ever could have. My dad...
My parents have been separated physically for three years, but relationally for much longer. The fact that they both willingly spent a few hours the same room...without killing one another...on their own with no outside mediation almost made me eat my flippin shorts...and trust me...willingly eating is not something I do often either (;)
She went down a list of things they had discussed that night and concluded with the statement..
"I THINK I NEED THERAPY." side note~ Swing back to all the years I have been struggling with my own shit and worrying about her and her shit begging her to get talk to someone...NEVER did anything...And then all of a sudden she and my dad spend time together and she comes away thinking, hm maybe I should get some help too. Now, am I going to fool myself into thinking that she will? HECK NO. HOWEVER, I had an epiphany, a wonderfully freeing thought...I DON'T FREAKIN CONTROL A THING IN LIFE~ My family, others, the future...NOTHIN! I don't have that much power. And lately I have been exerting myself to the breaking point trying to make everything work...and it has been like trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole...nevagonnahappen.

POW!~ GOD SMACK~ Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

Yesterday morning in my daily A.A. meeting, a 70 year old man shared how he has begun seeing a therapist. How even at his age he has begun to trust enough to open the vast recesses of his mind and share the experiences he went through in his life.
He said, "It is painful. But I finally have began healing. THAT is grace."
Thinking of it now, gives me goosebumps. What an amazing opportunity for him and message to me. That it is never to late. Yep, my childhood was messed up. My parents' marriage...yipes. But now, I have the chance to learn from it and if for some reason God has a man lined up for me...(eeeeehyamaybeweshallseeahhhhhhummmmmmmmmm) I can learn from the past and correct it today for a better future.

Yep, it sure has been painful...but that's GRACE~