Monday, July 14, 2014


A very dear friend of mine and I were texting to one another the other day...she asked if I would care for a blog post written by her. As a fellow ED survivor and addict, I was more than thrilled to hear her thoughts. What I received was astoundingly painful to read for me. Not only because she is my gumba, my good friend, my strong shoulder. But also because it infuriates me the power of this disease. And how some think it is nothing but a striving to 'look good.' Just last summer, I had an acquaintance email me asking me how I started my "disease."
She just wanted to lose some weight...drop a couple of pounds...shed some winter weight. My friends...this amounts to nothing in comparison with an eating disorder. Whatever spectrum you are on throughout the ED scale, it will only end one way. Death.
This post is dedicated to the further education and awareness of what ED really is like. Cheers~

“Dude, if you make a meal plan, the one you follow, I promise to stick to it to a tee so that I can have a body that is remotely close to as perfect as yours” This was the 2nd text message I got this week along those lines. Me? Make a meal plan? Well, I am a pretty decent nutritionist and extraordinarily knowledgeable about the science behind food. Therefore, I am more than capable of making a successful meal plan. However, my friends asked me for MY meal plan. The truth is, yesterday I ate 2 bites of a pb and j so I didn't pass out again this week. the day before that I had a side kale salad from a vegan bar. Today is Sunday. Those were the two solid "meals" that I’ve had in the past 7 days. The truth is, I’m more than happy that my friends don't “understand” how I "do it". The truth is, "how I do it" is by depriving my body of the vital nutrients that it needs to survive. The truth is, I have the heart of an 80 year old. I have virtually no stomach lining. I have ulcerative colitis and well as chronic bleeding ulcers. I used to have Mallory Weiss tears that have scarred my esophagus, a growth on my vocal chords and have permanently affected my voice. I have Osteopenia, which is the stage before Osteoporosis. I get pneumonia or bronchitis every year because I have no immune system and horrible kidneys. The truth is my medical problems and health is much more than I listed above. The truth is that the average 23 year old does doesn't face a fraction of what I listed above. The truth is while I was texting my friend last night about how I was loving life, the sunshine, teaching yoga and my blossoming art company, I was simultaneously carving the word tainted into my inner thigh with a razor. Sober. The truth is, that merely knowing why I do what I do doesn’t change my powerful disconnect between my head and my heart. The truth is, if you knew the truth, and you still believe that my body is perfect, than you want to walk around with an invisible noose around your neck like I have been for 15 years. There is nothing glamorous about anorexia, bulimia or any eating disorder. Friends, do you still want my meal plan?"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A fantasy world...

Jeremy asked me the other night what I fantasize about. And not in the “whips and chains” context either! But truly the…what do you think about…dream about…aspire for aspect. It caught me off guard…and left me tongue tied. I honestly didn’t even know how to answer the question. When I was young I dreamt about turning 13… 18…and finally 21…years old. Now that those dates have come and gone, I don’t even remember what I was so excited about! I dreamt about marriage and the man I would marry…the children I would once have. After watching my parent’s divorce after 25 years of marriage, my heart is now unsure of that dream, overcome by the fear  and doubt that someone could ever love me forever after. I dreamt of once being a singer, a dancer, an actress, the first white Oprah. And of course, as I grew and matured, realized that would not be happening any time soon. And as I near the beginning of my Senior year of college and contemplate what is next for me (Basically as the big, bad GRE looms ahead) I question if I can get a good score on this thing, get into grad school (let alone pay for it) and what I will do after, where I will live, how I will make something of myself. All of this just makes me anxious. I know the Lord has it all in His plans…that worrying about it will do nothing, but it sure is easy to fall into complacency when faced with studying for the GRE, working on grad school assignments, and getting pumped for school in the fall. When I truly think about it and am honest with myself, my fantasies since I was 12 years old…and still to this day, swarm around my ED. All the time. What to eat, the gym, getting smaller, fitting into smaller sizes, shrinking away into oblivion to where I am in control of my body and contentedly numb. All the anxiety. The sadness. And depression. It all just melts together into one outlet: my eating disorder. Starvation. Endless exercising. Self-harm. Now, that I have a full time job, a loving relationship, and career that I am trying to get into…the time for acting out in my compulsions has been cut down drastically. I know this is a good thing. In fact, today marks exactly a year that I have been home for a year. A year in Recovery. I never thought I would say that, let alone live to see it. But praise the Lord, this last winter, I didn’t make my annual pilgrimage down to Arizona like I had for the last 3 years to visit treatment. I am surviving. But I still feel like I am barely holding on emotionally. I feel trapped inside a body that isn’t mine. Caught inside a body with a mouth that cannot express how alone I feel because no one understands the sick thoughts I have. And if I even tried to verbally pronounce them, I would sound crazy. I feel betrayed by hunger and the inevitable need and desire to eat. And not just lettuce and carrot sticks…but real, life giving food. I feel weak. I feel tired. Because all I fantasize about when I am brutally honest with myself is that sick body. How it felt, looked, how comfortable, safe, and secure it was to reside within a shell of skin and bone.

Jeremy also pointed out that I have seemed cranky lately, not my bubbly silly old self. I have tried to hide that lovely reaity. But I feel as though I am melting inside with how uncomfortable I am with myself and my future and it is beginning to seep out of my soul through my pores, out of my skin, and into reality for everyone to see. Especially those who are close to me and spend a decent amount of time with me. So Jeremy. And the last thing I want to do is affect him and allow him to see that side of me. The not so joyful and depressed side of me. The Winter who is really fucking tired of having a thousand voices yelling at me…the self destructive side telling me I don’t need to eat after work and before the gym….or ever for that matter. The side that says I should because otherwise I will just be light headed and starving afterwards. The sad Winter who hates what she sees in the mirror. The girl who can’t wear the clothes she wants to because of how the fit, how they feel against my new skin. The woman who is literally petrified in her own body, desperate to control it along with the future. The angry Winter who justifies the hurt she feels through others by taking it out on herself. I hate that I have to put on a happy face and yappy smile to keep the customers happy and make good tips to save up money that I don’t even know where it will be materializing from or if it will be even close to enough to keeping me alive through the winter. And then when I come home, I am spent and exhausted and can’t keep that smile on my face for my boyfriend continuously. So he sees the raw side of me I try to hide and hate. I hate that I sit here rambling on and on…yet it feels so good to get this shit out and let the poisonous worry seep out to where I am heard. Instead of sitting in silence. The black turmoil ruminating around in my brain like a freaking tornado. The dream I keep having, of a tornado swirling around me and shattering everything. It keeps happening in my dreams now. I am haunted by my conscious mind even in my unconscious state. So that even when I can shut my brain off and miraculously fall alseep, I am still tormented by the depression, the worry, the ED thoughts and desires. I feel exhausted. I thought it would be easier a year out in Recovery. Maybe it will become easier. But it sure feels hard right now. And I know that it is me that makes it hard. I know that people believe or think I can just ‘let it go’ (cue overused Frozen music) Oh, how I wish it were that simple. How I wish I had an on/off switch to do just that. I have lived for ten years in this turmoil. And I know that it will take time for a new normal to feel natural. But why can’t it happen NOW? In like 21 days, just like any other habit! Because this is a disease. And it is one that kills. I have lost four alumni of Rosewood Ranch this last year to this f-ed up disease. And those won’t be the last. And as peaceful as death sounds on a lot of days…I can’t let that become an option. No matter how loud or dark or lonely it gets. There is always tomorrow. God, give me the strength…to wait till tomorrow.

It comes down to wants and needs. And lately, trying to save as much money as I can, has truly pointed out to me where my wants and needs truly lie. I want to have MY set routine, where work and school don’t get in the way of my running, my starving, my calculating, and perfecting of MY beloved anorexia. But what I NEED is to move the F forward, to not become a statistic, and to keep challenging the thoughts in my head. One day at a time. What I need to do is to cry, to scream, to dance it out (preferably to some cray cray Lady Gaga music) and not to use food, exercise, alcohol, or any other substance to numb out the feelings I have. I need to nourish myself when I want to go back to the pre-pubescent looking child I once was, caught in the day to day life of a prisoner, a slave. I am a survivor. And for this I am thankful. I am thankful for the blessings my Savior has given me, for the life I have now, for my boyfriend who I met a year ago now, and for the ability to type what I need to so desperately get out of my heart. And for you friends out there who must have prayed for me continuously. I would be dead without the Lord hearing your Holy interventions on behalf of my withered soul. For I am what I am. It is what it is. And I cannot control a thing. Just like I can’t control the weather, the customers who walk through our door, my family’s feelings, or what will happen tomorrow. I can ‘create my own routine’ as my boyfriend so perfectly put it. And it all begins with being grateful. For what if we were to wake up tomorrow with only the things we were thankful for today? I wouldn’t have a whole lot, now would I? And that my friends, is a future I don’t want to fantasize about…